Thursday, January 02, 2014
Friday, March 19, 2010
Beer Haiku Friday and Diddly Dee (Potatoes) - The Saint Patricks Day Post
Can someone please stopUnsurprisingly, Paddy's Day is also the theme over at the Malthouse blog where I examine invented Irish connections, why nobody pretends to be Australian, share Pete Brown's take on our love affair with the Emerald Isle and finish with a quick look at Murphy's Stout. The title "Diddly Dee (Potatoes)" is explained in the article:
All the frickin’ leprechauns
Dancing in my skull
It is perhaps ironic that the English celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day more than they do Saint George’s Day. Certainly, here in New Zealand, Paddy’s Day parties tend to be better attended and more fun than the corresponding Waitangi Day shindigs. People will happily invent a mythical great-aunt from County Cork for March 17 but no-one seem to make up a great-uncle from Wagga Wagga as an excuse to celebrate Australia Day.Glass Tips - Those excellent imbibers at Beer Haiku Daily and the most excellent peeps at Malthouse
Labels: colin mallon, Guinness, Haiku, murphys, neil miller, Pete Brown, st patricks day
Thursday, March 18, 2010
This blog has moved
This blog is now located at
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Mac’s Brewjolais is a beer which has been brewed annually by Lion Nathan at the old Mac’s Brewery in Wellington. It is brewed to celebrate the hop harvest, and uses freshly picked “wet” (undried) hops from Nelson late in the brewing process to impart their aromatic and distinctive notes to the finished beer. It’s a rare type of beer, and one that SOBA believes deserves recognition, particularly when brewed by one of NZ’s largest breweries who could be expected to opt for the ‘safer’ and more commercially viable styles of beer.
SOBA plans to show its appreciation for Brewjolais by organising a synchronised toast to Lion Nathan and the beer at all of the locations it will be served. SOBA members will descend upon the six Mac’s Brewbars around the country and raise a glass of the deliciously hoppy beverage to the brewers who make it, and the company which gives them the freedom to push the boundaries of beer a little.
The Mac’s brewery in Wellington where Brewjolais has been brewed is being closed down for economic reasons, with Lion Nathan citing higher costs involved in running the smaller scale brewery. This fact makes the 2010 release of Brewjolais bittersweet for beer lovers who fondly remember some of the excellent Mac’s beers to roll out of this brewery. While sad to see the brewery go, SOBA is optimistic that the beer will continue to be produced, and hopes its gesture will help convince Lion Nathan to continue production each year.
SOBA was formed in 2006 in order to increase awareness of and appreciation for flavourful crafted beers. The organisation is often perceived as “anti big brewer”, but in actuality is simply “pro good beer”.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Oysters and IPA - Tuatara out of hibenation
It’s not quite a passage to India, but the Foveaux Strait has challenges of its own and the barrel was hoisted onto an oyster boat to endure a mini sea journey, accompanied by brewers Darryl and John keeping a close eye on their precious cargo. They also kept out of the way of the oyster catchers (Marina Fish and Oysters of Invercargill) who were working hard to provide everyone with a little (shell)fishy when the boat comes in.The Tuatara Breweries blog is showing signs of life with a new post up and the promise of weekly updates. The post is called "A new beginning for the 'Its all About the Beer' Blog":
This past week there was some big news at the brewery.
Labels: arrow brewing company, barrel-aged beer, blogs, epic armageddon IPA luke nicholas, oysters, tuatara
Beer Haiku Friday and Awards That Actually Matter
A bucket of wingsOver at the Malthouse blog, my latest post discusses bar service, Evelyn Waugh's seven requirements of a good inn-keeper, assesses Malthouse's Colin Mallon against those seven criteria, looks at the Capital Awards and highlights three coming events. In a unsubtle dig at the Oscars, it is called "Awards That Actually Matter":
And some expensive cheap beer
Just because I can
Many would have expected Malthouse to also do well in the ‘best beer list’ category – except there wasn’t one. There was a ‘best wine list’ and ‘best drinks list’ but beer was a glaring omission. Fortunately, the flame-haired perpetrator has been quickly identified and given a stern talking to over a Tuatara Ardennes. Hopefully, it will be a proper category next year.Glass Tips - Those determined tipplers at Beer Haiku Daily and the multi-award nomination folks at Malthouse
Labels: beer awards, colin mallon, epic brewing company, Haiku, imp, luke nicholas, neil miller, the malthouse, twitter
Friday, March 05, 2010
Beer Haiku Friday and The Beer of Revenge
The president paysBrutal!
Up on his Olympic bet.
A case of Molson
The latest Malthouse blog looks at beer legends, Louis Pasteur, his love of yeast and hatred of Prussians, Croucher Cherry Bock and some big up-coming events. It is called "The Beer of Revenge":
“Pasteur is one of the greatest names in science, but this doesn’t mean he was necessarily a very nice person. What particularly got Pasteur hot under the collar was Prussia and all things German… His abhorrence of all things Prussian took two visible forms. First, he insisted that every paper he published would contain the statement “Hatred towards Prussia! Revenge! Revenge!” which must have proved difficult for peer reviewers, but had little real impact. But the second form changed beer as we know it."
Glass Tips - Those excellent fellows at Beer Haiku Daily and Malthouse
Labels: Croucher, Haiku, Hofbrau, Kieran Loves German Beers, neil miller, the malthouse, yeastie boys
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Marchfest and Beer Tourism Map
MARCHFESTAnd before anyone comments, they are perfectly aware that Marchfest is now in April. It's just how they roll down that way!
April 17th 2010
Founders Park, Nelson
All local beers, 11 new beers, 2 new ciders, Don McGlashan, music, food, pony rides, bicycle-powered amplifiers and more...
The two new ciders are from Redwood Cellars and McCashins, the 11 new beers are:
Founders: God Knows Best ..bitter. "Our take on a ESB", 5%.
Lighthouse: April Fuel, an amber ale, 5.5%.
McCashins: Ale-iana (A gift from the Gods), type and abv tbc.
Moa: Blanc Resurrection, a Belgian Wit (wheat beer), 5%.
Monkey Wizard: Golgotha Porter, a porter brewed with NZ botanicals, 5.5%.
Renaissance: Funkelryesen (rhymes with Dunkelweizen), spiced rye beer, 5%.
Sprig and Fern: De-Vine Inspiration, Pilsner, 5%.
The Golden Bear: Liquifaction, a hoppy ale, 6%.
The Mussel Inn: Missing Lynx, Marzenbier (lager), 5.2%.
Totara: Ninkasi Green, an ale which will use green hops at harvest time, 5%.
Townshend's: Roger Parks IPA, a well hopped traditional IPA, 6%.
Full details on the website.
Speaking of down that way, those clever chaps at the Moutere Inn have put together the Top of the South Craft Beer and Brewing Trail resource. It is a map marked with all the breweries and craft-friendly bars in the region as well as their details and websites. It can be downloaded as a PDF if you are travelling off-line. It's a great resource - every region of New Zealand needs something as good as this.
Labels: marchfest, neil miller
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
IPA Project 2010 and Beerfest comes to Welly
"an authentic IPA by traditional methods and cask conditioning the resulting beer in a wooden barrel. On March 1, this IPA will be given its "sea journey" when the barrel ventures out into the notorious Foveaux Strait on board one of the first oyster boats to set sail for the season. Upon the boats return to Bluff, the barrel will be transported back to Arrowtown where the celebrations begin and the IPA will be "cracked" and served with fresh oysters. This project is a world first and a unique way to celebrate two great traditions."Major media coverage is expected tonight and tomorrow.
On Saturday 6 March 2010,Beer Festival 2010 comes to Wellington. This event gets bigger and better every year, was a huge success in Auckland recently and returns to the Capital this year with more breweries and a weather proof venue.
The event runs from midday to 9pm at the Westpac Stadium (please don't call it the 'Cake Tin'). 25 breweries will be pouring over 70 different beers, there will be food, there will be music, there will be seminars and there will be the opportunity to talk to the people who made the beers. Full details (including tickets) are on the Beer Festival website.
Labels: arrow brewing company, barrel-aged beer, ipa, neil miller, new zealand beer festival, oysters, wellington
Friday, February 26, 2010
Beer Haiku Friday and Barrels of Beer
Dreaming of a placeSpeaking of beer drinkers paradises*, the latest Malthouse blog looks at the development of barrel-aged beers, talks to three New Zealand brewers who are doing it and profiles the new Moa Barrel Reserve range. The blog is called "Barrels of Beer":
Where they serve an endless stream
Of various beers
Epic Journey, two 20-litre barrels of Epic Armageddon which spent six weeks on the Interisland Ferry, were a big hit at Beervana 2009. Their Impish Brewer Luke Nicholas predicts we will see a lot more barrels in use at Beervana 2010. He is a bit of a convert to barrel-aging saying it was “fun and really changed the beer in a way I didn’t expect. It was interesting but also a bit scary and creepy leaving it to the wood. You don’t have that control and there are a lot of unknowns.”* See what I did there?
Glass Tips - Beer Haiku Daily and the Malthouse blog
Labels: barrel-aged beer, epic, Haiku, hallertau, moa, neil miller, the malthouse
Friday, February 19, 2010
Beer Haiku Friday and What's in a Name - Sprig and Fern
the fish ain’t bitingThe latest Malthouse blog has a look at the history of pub signs, the development of pub names, some great names and some terrible names, the Sprig and Fern, Pale Ale and Cider. The title is "What's in a Name - Sprig and Fern":
but that’s not really the point
as long as there’s beer
Clearly, it is very common for a pub name to be called “The [something] and [something else].” Those two words might be related (The Bull and Bear), random (The Parrot and Jigger) or complete opposites (The Jolly Taxpayer). Today’s featured brewery has used this age old technique.Glass Tip - Beer Haiku Daily and Malthouse Blog
Labels: cider, Haiku, loaded hog, neil miller, pub, sprig and fern
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Strongest beer title 'reclaimed with Sink the Bismarck'

Sink the Bismarck!'s 41% ABV renders it more alcoholic than whiskey or vodka. BrewDog has preempted the expected accusations of irresponsibility from British alcohol awareness groups, and explains that the beer should be consumed responsibly, "in spirit-sized measures."
Full Article
Labels: brew dog, Sink the Bismarck
Friday, February 12, 2010
A Touch of Kiwi in Thornbridge Ales and Last Call for Mac's in Wellington
Thornbridge Hall Country House Brewery (to use its full name) is an innovative, award-winning and passionate English brewery set up in 2004. One of the original brewers was a young brewing graduate called Martin Dickie. When Martin left to start up BrewDog in his native Scotland, Kiwi Kelly Ryan joined the team in his place. The first brewery Kelly had worked in was Tui and to this day he retains a bit of a soft spot for that ‘East India Pale Ale’. Fellow New Zealander and well known beer lover James Kemp has also joined the team at Thornbridge (though he has a quite different take on Tui.)From The Wellingtonian, my validictory for the Wellington Mac's Brewery which will be closing its doors next month. It is headlined "Last call for Mac's Brewery":
I have many fond memories, too: my first sip of Wicked Blonde; tasting sessions on the viewing platform when brewing was underway, the air filled with an aroma like fresh bread; watching people try Sassy Red with the chef's rustic French terrine or Black Mac matched with blue cheese, gingernut biscuit and chocolate covered apricot. That was when people began to understand craft beer and the art of beer and food matching.
Labels: brew dog, epic halcyon, macs, neil miller, thornbridge brewery
Beer Haiku Friday - Reward
Taking some time outGlass Tip - Beer Haiku Daily
To give myself a reward
‘Cuz no one else will
Labels: Haiku
Friday, February 05, 2010
Beer Haiku Friday, Belgian Beers and Tintin (or is it Asterix?)
State of the UnionThe latest Malthouse blog is about Belgian beers and Tintin. It replaces the earlier version which utilised Asterix who unfortunately is and always has been French. It is (re-) titled "Belgium's biggest resurgance since Tintin: Destination Moon":
Flung my tallboy at the screen
Hops spring eternal
The tiny kingdom of Belgium has for centuries produced many memorable, distinctive and often unique beer styles. One of the very last nations to succumb to the ubiquitous allure of lagers, Belgian beer has always been a bit special. Their artisan brewers feel free to use ancient techniques long abandoned by other producers, never hesitate to throw in ingredients which would petrify mainstream brewers and think nothing of lifting the strength of their beers by a couple of percent.Glass Tips - Beer Haiku Daily and Malthouse Blog
Labels: achouffe, Belgian Beers, Haiku, maredsous, neil miller, orval, westmalle
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Big Beer News - Belgium’s biggest resurgence since Asterix and the Big Fight and the New Biggest Beer in the World
As a young beer neophyte, I would read books – surprisingly common activity in those pre-easy internet days – in which various great and good beer writers described Orval has having a distinct aroma of “sweaty horse blanket.” The concept seemed ludicrous. Surely even the most ostentatious wine scribe would hesitate to use such a descriptor, particularly if they wanted readers to actually try the beverage.In startling beer news, Tactical Nuclear Penguin's tenure as the strongest beer in the world (32%) might be short-lived with Schorschbock claiming an unbelieveable 40% ABV. It is a lager from German craft brewer Schorschbrau. Schorschbock is produced through Schorschbrau’s own proprietary fermentation process. It includes a rarely-used method for producing ice bock, supplemented by extended cold-lagering for a minimum of six months.
One exploratory sniff of my first Orval demonstrated that not only did it smell exactly like a heavy cloth which had been extensively worn by a perspiring example of the genus equine, but that it was absolutely delicious in doing so.
Glass Tip - Malthouse Blog and the Morning Advertiser.
Labels: achouffe, Belgian Beers, maredsous, neil miller, orval, westmalle
Saturday, January 30, 2010
(Belated) Beer Haiku Friday and Beer, Civilisation and Politics Explained
Beer, food, and footballAt the Malthouse Blog, the latest post explains why beer created civilisation which in turn created politics, then asks every political leader in New Zealand for their favourite and gets a 100% response rate, the favoured beers of our political elite are then revealed in a world exclusive. It is called "Beer, Civilisation and Politics":
Surrounded by family
Watching commercials
Last year, this blog literally stumbled over a media report on a British website claiming that Prime Minister John Key’s favourite beer was Bath Gem, a tasty ale from Bristol. Always thirsty for the truth, we decided to test this theory and directly ask the Prime Minister for his favourite beer. In the interests of balance and impartiality, the same question was put to the leaders of every political party currently represented in the New Zealand Parliament. They all provided answers and these are reproduced in full below.Glass Tips - Beer Haiku Daily and Malthouse Blog
Labels: beer tax politics election, emerson's brewery, founders, green man, Haiku, neil miller
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Beer Haiku Friday, a New Decade of Quality Beer and The Great Debate: Mild versus Wild
With the power out
I grab a beer from the fridge
And light a candle
Blogging at the Malthouse site has well and truly resumed with two new posts up already. The first covers my top ten Kiwi beer of 2009 and makes three predictions about the future of beer. It is titled "To a Decade of Quality Beer":
Having looked back longingly at 2009, it is time to look forward eagerly to 2010 and make some bold prediction for the rest of summer. Gazing into my crystal ball (well, actually it is a limited-edition Malthouse glass proposing ‘Cheers For 2010’ filled with Three Boys Golden Ale but the effect is quite similar), I foresee new levels of popularity for cider, wheat beers and pales ales (particularly those in the American style).Next, a summary of the big debate in world beer, have extreme beers had their day, have Tactical Nuclear Penguins been spotted in New Zealand, Hallertau beers and Burns Nicht this Monday. With apologies to Bear Grylls, the post is titled "Mild vs Wild":
Sometimes you really want a beer that makes you stop and simply go ‘wow’ - you want a real eye opener, a conversation piece, a beer that you will always remember even though you only ever had a single glass. Lagunitas’ marvellously bouncy Hop Stoopid had this effect on my friend Dean late last year. Other times, however, there is a need for a beer that has character and flavour but which accompanies rather than dominates the conversation - a beer which can facilitate a long chat solving the world’s problems or last through a big sporting event.Glass Tips - Beer Haiku Daily and Malthouse blog
Labels: 8wired, brew dog, colin mallon, Croucher, epic, Haiku, hallertau, lagunitas, neil miller, penguins, Stephen Plowman, stone brewery, the malthouse, Three Boys, tuatara
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Top Ten Beers of 2009 - According to Neil Miller
December is the time that columnists reflect on the preceding year and make the traditional spurious “best of” lists. This column is no exception. Here then are my ten best beers of 2009 with last year’s rankings shown in brackets. The list clearly reflects my taste for big hoppy beers but, while they may be hard to find, every beer is well worth trying.Hoppy New Year!
Labels: best beer, neil miller
Monday, December 21, 2009
Beer Tasting on the Water and the Year in Beer (USA)
December 2009 was the busiest month I have ever had for beer tastings. At the final count, I did ten tastings and two tours over a fifteen day stretch. While many of the locations were familiar (Mac’s Brewery viewing platform, the lounge at Malthouse), others were new and spectacular. The venue for the Jeff Gray BMW Christmas function was the Mana Cruising Club up the coast and I ran a beer appreciation session on the spacious balcony overlooking the ocean (and totally sheltered from the rather boisterous wind thankfully).An interesting perspective on the "Year in Beer" in America was provided by Joshua M Bernstein from Slash Food:
During the first half of 2009, craft brewing grew 5 percent by volume and 9 percent by dollars, numbers made more astounding when you consider that overall beer sales nose-dived 1.3 percent.Glass Tip - Rach from Yellow Brick Road food company (best seafood in the country!)
Why are microbreweries bucking the economic trend? It's a matter of taste. Increasingly, brew drinkers "are attracted to flavor and variety, new and different products and beers made by small, local and independent companies," says Brewers Association director Paul Gatza.
Labels: beer tastings, bennetts, brew dog, craft beer american USA, Croucher, epic, lagunitas, neil miller, Three Boys, tuatara
Friday, December 18, 2009
Beer Haiku Friday and Beer with Sax Appeal
The meeting drags onIn the last Malthouse blog of the year, we meet Aussie musician Adam Page and learn of his love for craft beers and seamlessly mixing classic Christmas carols with Rage Against the Machine. It is called "Beer with Sax Appeal":
The boss steals more and more time
I could be drinking
Surrounded by a miasma of hop fumes and his trademark bushy beard (which he is going to grow out because “bigger beards are just cooler”), Adam lists his Kiwi beers of choice. He loves Tuatara, Three Boys IPA (“oh hello, it’s nice! Tuatara IPA sales go up when I’m in town”), Renaissance IIPA (“far out, it’s a classic”), Three Boys Oyster Stout (though he takes it personally that the seasons have changed which deprives him of this beer during his current visit) and Epic Armageddon (“unbelievable – like Luke backed up a cement truck full of hops and tipped them into my mouth”).Glass Tips - Malthouse and Beer Haiku Daily
Labels: colin mallon, epic, Haiku, neil miller, the malthouse, Three Boys, tuatara
Friday, December 11, 2009
Beer Haiku Friday and A Long Hard Dispassionate Look At the Craft Beer Scene
He left for the barIn the latest Malthouse blog, I debate revolution versus evolution, quote Mao, Lloyd George and Michael Jackson, mix metaphors, present a thought-provoking piece from a Kiwi working in a US craft brewery and identify one of my beer finds of the year. It is titled simply "A Long Hard Dispassionate Look at the Craft Beer Scene"
At exactly 5 o’clock
Against all the odds
the same debate rages today around lifting beer appreciation. Should elevating a drinker from Tui quaffer to Tuatara connoisseur take a single big sip or a thousand little tastes? The simple fact is that few Heineken fans or Steinlager followers or Radler lovers are going to be instantly converted to a bottle-conditioned American Pale Ale, a wild-fermented sour raspberry beer or a 32% double barrelled imperial stout which has spent three weeks at -20 degrees to help increase its alcoholic strength. * These drinkers need be encouraged and supported to work up to better beers step by step.Glass Tip - Those wonderful chaps at Beer Haiku Daily and the fine folks at the Malthouse site
Labels: craft beer, craft beer american USA, Haiku, neil miller, the malthouse
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
More tastings with a view and Tactical Nuclear Penguins
The usual vote was anything but usual. There was a clear winner on the first ballot but a record three beers were initially tied for second. A further run-off vote failed to separate them with the beers again tied. The only option was to declare all three tied for second place – a first in over five years of these tasting sessions.Delightfully deranged Scottish brewers BrewDog have claimed the world record for strongest beer with their new 32% leviathan Tactical Nuclear Penguin. The full release (including authenication of alcoholic strength is on their website:
The Antarctic name inducing schizophrenia of this uber-imperial stout originates from the amount of time it spent exposed to extreme cold. This beer began life as a 10% imperial stout 18 months ago. The beer was aged for 8 months in an Isle of Arran whisky cask and 8 months in an Islay cask making it our first double cask aged beer. After an intense 16 month, the final stages took a ground breaking approach by storing the beer at -20 degrees for three weeks to get it to 32%.
Labels: beer tastings, Croucher, harringtons, invercargill, neil miller, smokin bishop, Three Boys, tuatara
Friday, December 04, 2009
Guinness Pint Masters Crowned

The 2009 Guinness Pint Masters for New Zealand have been crowned. They are Dermot Murphy (middle left) and Finbar Clabby (middle right) from one of my favourite bars, D4 on Featherston Street.
These cheeky chaps won their regional final and then beat the four other regional winners in three heats including the perfect pint pour, Guinness Art and the Guinness Cocktail creation. As well as their lovely trophies (pictured - the harp things, not Jeremy Corbett), they have each won a trip to Dublin to visit the Guinness Brewery in its 250th year. Congratulations to Derm and Fin.