Beer Haiku Friday and A Long Hard Dispassionate Look At the Craft Beer Scene
Today's Beer Haiku is called "A Frickin Miracle" and sums up the Friday mindset for many nicely:
He left for the barIn the latest Malthouse blog, I debate revolution versus evolution, quote Mao, Lloyd George and Michael Jackson, mix metaphors, present a thought-provoking piece from a Kiwi working in a US craft brewery and identify one of my beer finds of the year. It is titled simply "A Long Hard Dispassionate Look at the Craft Beer Scene"
At exactly 5 o’clock
Against all the odds
the same debate rages today around lifting beer appreciation. Should elevating a drinker from Tui quaffer to Tuatara connoisseur take a single big sip or a thousand little tastes? The simple fact is that few Heineken fans or Steinlager followers or Radler lovers are going to be instantly converted to a bottle-conditioned American Pale Ale, a wild-fermented sour raspberry beer or a 32% double barrelled imperial stout which has spent three weeks at -20 degrees to help increase its alcoholic strength. * These drinkers need be encouraged and supported to work up to better beers step by step.Glass Tip - Those wonderful chaps at Beer Haiku Daily and the fine folks at the Malthouse site
Labels: craft beer, craft beer american USA, Haiku, neil miller, the malthouse
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