Beer - The only known cure for a case of the "Mondays"
The theme for the September session of the Cellar-Vate beer tasting club was the unique “Dark and Ducky.” This moniker was devised to cover a combination of dark beers and the bottled range from the Dux de Lux. The 50 people in attendance had the Dux beers presented to them by the legendary Dick Fyfe. Given Dux de Lux means “masters of the finest”, I speculated in spectacularly poor Latin that this would make Dick the Dux de Dux de Lux – the master of the masters of the finest. I doubt it will catch on and it would never fit on his business card in any case.
Next, the first ever beer tasting event at the Ministry for Culture and Heritage:
On Friday night, I had the chance to run a fun little beer tasting at the Ministry for Culture and Heritage (who I accidentally called the Ministry of Culture and Heritage on the tasting menu and was immediately chastised. You never stop learning in this job.)
Finally, a write up in the Herald of a recent boutique beer tour:
Miller - a beer writer and expert who knows everything you could about beer as well as anyone who matters in the Wellington bar scene - is great company. He must be the only person I've met who carries around hops and barley in his bag.
In my defence, I usually only have hops and barley in my bag when I'm running a tour or a tasting!
Labels: beer tours, chimay, Croucher, dux de lux, Emersons, epic pale ale, invercargill, Three Boys, townshend, tuatara, wigram