Beerly Writing - July
Once through the gates, the first question facing every attendee at the Food Show is “left or right?” My decision to go left was immediately vindicated as virtually the first stall I saw was the Epic Brewing Company from Auckland. The impish brewer Luke Nicholas was handing out samples of his crisp Epic Lager and massively hopped Epic Pale Ale to big and appreciative crowds.
From The Salient, a short but intense look at stupid beers:
While many students live by the creed that the best beer in the world is the one right in front of them (preferably that someone else paid for), there are some beers which are simply stupider than Paul Holmes in a burka.
Finally for this update, The Salient column on dark beers:
A surprising number of people have absolutely no idea how beers get a dark colour. Depressingly, the majority seem to think that artificial colour is simply added at some specified point in the brewing process and – hey presto – instant dark beer. Tragically, that is precisely how a couple of breweries do it.
Beer and Food Match of the Month: Proper French Roquefort cheese and Invercargill Smokin Bishop - magic.
Labels: bintang, Emersons, epic pale ale, filter room, good bastards, green fern, harringtons, imp, invercargill, monteith's, storm