Tuesday, August 01, 2006

DB launches German wheat beer

Kiwis with a taste for specialty beer will be doubly cheerful in September. That’s when DB launches Germany’s Erdinger wheat beer in New Zealand – just in time for Oktoberfest.

The Erdinger Brewery produces only wheat beers and all of it is brewed only in Erding which is close to Munich in the heart of Bavaria.

DB is launching Erdinger in September and is promising it will initially be available on tap from 40 outlets.

Full Release


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The old Stanmore Bay Cottage restaurant in Stanmore Bay Whangaparaoa has in the last year become a German restaurant/beer haus, offering 4 or so styles of Erdinger beer - The weiss, the crystal clear, the dark wiess and one more. Not the bock unfortunately.
The beers aren't bad but not particularly flavoursome or memorable. Unsurprising they are being picked up by a mainstream company, on tasting they appear to be very mainstream offerings.

3:40 pm, August 01, 2006  
Blogger Greig McGill said...

Hey, at least a major company is bringing in a beer that has live yeast in the keg and follows the reinheitsgebot! If that's not a step in the right direction, I'm not sure what is.

3:30 pm, August 02, 2006  
Blogger Stu as "Stu" said...

I wonder how it must feel to be a young brewer with DB? At least Lion have some decent things going on with Mac's and Speight's.

10:07 pm, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you say the same thing about DB in regards to Montieths though stu? They're still doing seasonals, sponsoring the wild food challenge etc.
Grieg, have you tried an Erdinger? curious as to your thoughts. I agree, its got to be a step in the right direction, I didn't mean my post to sound so negative. There just didn't seem to be much craft in their beers, or at least they weren't to my taste. Maybe they were old and hadn't travelled well. But I won't let that stop me giving them another crack.

4:35 pm, August 07, 2006  
Blogger Greig McGill said...

I've only tried the Erdinger weiss, and it was a while ago. I don't remember too much about it - certainly it wasn't a standout. I'd try it again though, and will give it another go.

9:42 am, August 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this Beer going to be available in retail outlets as well, or just on tap?

8:17 pm, September 21, 2006  

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