Beerly Tasting - Stats and Met Service
Here is the report from the recent tasting at Statistics NZ:
Over the years, Statistics New Zealand has been one of my most regular and favourite beer tasting clients. Last night, I ran my seventh tasting for their staff club. As usual, it was raining. That did not deter thirty two participants who seemed to enjoy trying a range of Kiwi craft beers. The offerings included some of the last Smokin’Bishop in the city. This year’s Three Boys Golden was also making its first appearance at one of my sessions.That same busy week, I ran my first tasting up at the Met Service:
Last night I ran a beer tasting for the social club up at the Met Service. The venue was perched at the very top of the Kelburn hills and the room was filled with over 30 eager participants. I put together an introductory menu but it was only much later that it was (correctly) suggested to me that including Dux de Lux Nor’ Wester Pale Ale or Sou’ Wester Stout would have been both appropriate and tasty. However, this event did give me the chance to list my Facebook status as “off to run a beer tasting at the Met Service. The forecast is for ale storms.”The results of the popular vote each night are in the reports.
Labels: beer tastings, bennetts, Croucher, emerson's brewery, epic, harringtons, invercargill, neil miller, smokin bishop, Three Boys, tuatara
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