Beer Haiku Monday and the People's Blog Part Deux
While the seasons are wrong for this hemisphere, the poem still resonates. It is called "Winterizing":
Taking the sails downOver at Malthouse blog, the popular People's blog returns with two more guest columnists and some considered reflections on bloggers and blogging. It is titled "The People's Blog Part Deux":
could go quicker without beer
but what fun is that
Ten years later, even hardened net geeks are giving up on trying to figure out how many blogs there really are. The answer is well over 100 million, almost certainly a lot, lot more. Blogging is not just for pyjama-clad Generation Xer’s who live in their parents basement anymore (though they are certainly still well represented on-line.) Now, rock stars blog. Beer writers blog. Businesses blog. Scientists blog. Even politicians blog.Glass Tips - Beer Haiku Daily and Malthouse Blog
Labels: blogs, colin mallon, coopers, emerson's brewery, Haiku, invercargill, neil miller, sierra nevada, smokin bishop, the malthouse
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