Saturday, November 01, 2008

Sale St - the Fosters Beer connection???

Ironic or intentional? DB's new joint venture mega bar which includes a mini brewery has a website that has two beautiful women on the front page. Funny thing is that these two women are Fosters International NZ's beer brand managers. WTF? Is it a case of they got snapped while checking out the competition? and then posted on the website? Or a photographer/web developer with a wicked sense of humor

Check for yourself

Sale St Brewery, Freemans Bay

Big Man, Luke Dallow. Big ideas. Big ... without being unnecessarily anatomical, let's say you'd have to be a brave man to open the inner-city's largest meeting and eating and drinking and chatting and gigging venture when the economy is making a mad dash for the nearest long-drop.

Everything is big about Sale St: 52 beer taps serving 13 different types of beer, 60 by-the-glass wines, a micro-brewery and coffee roaster. In a partnership with DB, the company's master brewer offers three beers apparently made on site but in limited quantities: sadly they were out of the signature Ponsonby Gold lager when Jude and I turned up. Settled for Celebration, a slightly sour pale ale, with my seared kangaroo and Asian-influenced salad entrée. It worked.

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Blogger Stu as "Stu" said...

13 "types" of beer on tap? I count ten "brands", probably covering about four styles.

I suspect being "out" of Ponsonby Gold meant they hadn't brewed any yet, that's the way they started Wellington.

6:37 pm, November 01, 2008  

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