Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Dominion Breweries, or...

It seems MP Damien O'Connor has upset DB by labelling them "Deceitful Bastards" over their not-really-a-west-coast-brewery-anymore Monteiths brand sponsorship of the new Wild Food in the City event to be held Christchurch. Some West Coast locals see this event as an "ambush" of the Hokitika Wild Foods festival.

Readers should always, of course, decide for themselves which side of the fence they fall on, but as an editorial aside, whenever I read anything in the news from a big brewery they never seem to defend their beers or describe them with any passion. Flavours are never mentioned. There's no pride in the beer drinking experience. Unlike with wine prducers, It's all just about "brands". With that in mind, go and read the full story.


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