Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Beerly Writing - Around the Traps

From The Wellingtonian, the Malthouse gets Captain Cooker and Chimay White on Tap:
Captain James Cook was a sailor, a navigator, an explorer, a cartographer and a brewer. He personally made the first batch of beer in Australasia at Dusky Sound in 1773. The production of beer, which was safer and healthier than water on the ships, was considered so important it was common for the Captain himself to do the brewing. Cook’s recipe is recorded in voluminous detail in his log which also modestly notes the resulting beer was “exceedingly palatable and esteemed by everyone on board.”
From Beer and Brewer magazine, a profile of the one and only Mr Richard Emerson:
I a cruel twist of fate, award-winning brewer Richard Emerson threw away most of the best beer he ever made. He made a beer with Vierka Munich yeast but says it "was terrible to ferment and didn't taste that great after two months in the bottle." Needing the bottles, he dumped virtually all the beer down the drain. The two dozen he kept sat forgotten for a year.

The Air New Zealand in-flight magazine Kia Ora has rated Wild about Wellington's Boutique Beer Tour one of the fifteen coolest short tours in the country.

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