Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Beer Tasting Results

The theme of the September Cellar Vate tasting was English beers:

The theme of the September Cellar Vate Beer tasting was English beer though there was one invader from Scotland. The beers selected demonstrated a number of current trends in British brewing including historic breweries under pressure, traditional recipes, centralization of ownership, the rise of organic beer and the creation of new styles designed to appeal to non-traditional beer drinkers.

The August Cellar Vate tasting was "All Hail Pale Ale, All Hail Pale Ale, All Hail Pale Ale!:

I just love the theme “all hail pale ale” and it has quickly become an annual tasting at the Cellar-Vate Beer Club. The August tasting saw a full house of 50 people try seven pale ales (a mix of traditional, IPA and APA) and the very rare smoked bock from Invercargill as a treat. There were two breweries making their debut and a special guest presenter!

There was also excellent tasting for the social club at Buddle Findlay:

Last week I ran a beer tasting in the panoramic boardroom of Buddle Findlay for their social club. The fantastic views of the Wellington harbor were matched only by the quality of food. Not many tastings these days serve chips AND peanuts! Thankfully, the snacks did not over shadow the awesome beer menu.



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