Best thing to happen to Beer in NZ this year
They have really kicked beer up a notch for New Zealand. Beyond the excellent selection of beers on tap and massive selection of beer in the fridges which run at 3 different temperatures they have food.
The selection for food is limited but is awesome. Especially the tasting trays (see picture below). This particular tasting tray is called Carnivore (they also have 2 other tasting trays called Seafood & Vegetarian each priced at $22) Plus a selection of chesses matched, and selection of daily deserts matched.
* Tender lamb pieces on rosemary skewers w/mint ginger raita - matched with MONK'S HABIT
* Cajun corn feed chicken pieces w/manuka honey, feijoa and orange zest aioli - matched with EPIC PALE ALE
* Smoked fillet of beef with watercress, shaved parmesan and tamarillo chutney - matched with GISBORNE GOLD
* Wild rice and pistachio crusted pork fillet with sauteed apples - matched with TUATARA ARDENNES
I'd suggest getting down to The Malthouse and getting amongst the beer and food. So many beers to try so little time.
Labels: epic pale ale, monk's habit, the malthouse, turtara
I visited the Malthouse at it's new location last night, and to be honest I was thoroughly disappointed...
The bottled beers are a nice showpiece in the large fridges, but the draught taps are hidden in the corner, the few taps visible included Monteith's and Gisborne Gold, the beers are served in pseudo-pint glasses, and the majority of the clientele seemed to be drinking the type of beers that really don't deserve to be there at all. Though I think the customers liked to convince themselves they were having a 'beer experience'.
Give me honest beers, in honest pint glasses, with honest punters in an honest setting... Cock n Bulls? Galbraiths?
Not just another overcrowded brand/theme experience on the Courtney strip...
Went to the new Malthouse on Tuesday night and the hand pumps weren't going. Epic and Tuatara Pale Ale was off. Better luck next time eh.
Nice decor, could do with gruntier heaters in the smoking lounge.
At those prices when does one open in Auckland?
Certainly not the best thing to happen to beer this year, but a worthy est all the same.
I think the good cellar selection is a huge plus and having Tom Hardies in several different vintages is great. Session ale wise I have found myself really struggling to find something I want to order, malthouse please settle your differences with Emersons and get some Bookbinder so theres a decent draft bitter option.
Kieran, what is the best thing that has happened to beer in NZ this year....
Zippy, really no beer on tap? that's shocking.
Ross, honest beers, doesn't the Malthouse have a Cock & Bull beer? What size are the pint glasses? do the advertise them as pints? How much are the pints they are selling?
I'm undecided right now whether I should try it out. The blog post was very exciting, and the photo showing the beers was impressive, but these comments are a bit negative. I will discount them a bit though as it is usually the vocal minority that post comments.
Can someone else please post some feedback about the Malthouse... is it as bad as these comments? or is this just teething problems.
I am a little perplexed by some of the comments posted on here. I dont quite know what to expect if this isnt a good bar?? tell me where to go please as I havnt found any better in wellington in the few months that I have lived here. Yes they have lots of beers that others have ...monteiths,tiger and export gold, but some cool ones too like tuatarra and epic beer on tap. Pricewise i recon its pretty good for that part of town too. the staff seem pretty on to it- even recommending I go to one of their competitors to check out a beer they only had in bottles, but was available on the tap- invercargill pitch black at bar Edward.
As far as pints go- is there such a thing in nz? I have been in bars that their standard handle is anything between 360ml and 660ml ( admittedly at nearly twice the price!!) but hey you get what you pay for.
All in it seems a good wee bar for those of us who are over 25 and brave enough to go to courtenay place.
do they have speight's but?
no speights, but porter and ipa on hand pump :)))
Hey guys, this place must be doing something right- just been nomoinated for New Bar of the Year at the Bar Awards in Akl
Courtenay Place? A sacrilege - I preferred the old Malty - where beers were plentiful and the nights huge - where the characters were colourful and the staff were ace - the pints flowed, the bottles and glasses flew and the girls were the best.
You can't recreate that down on Courtenay...
Jim D - One of the old school crew.
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