Epic Pale Ale - Latest
This week Epic Pale Ale is on special in a number of outlets in Auckland
Want to find your closest store selling Epic Pale Ale check out the "zoomable map"
The only Epic Pale Ale stockist in Christchurch, The Beer Emporium, ran out of stock at the weekend, but more stock will arrive in a couple of days.
The brewery also ran out of stock for a couple of days last week before being able to get the next batch bottled. We just seem to be a little behind the eight ball on forecasts for supply and demand, and probably won't get ahead of demand till after Christmas once the next couple of batches are bottled.
Thanks to all of you who are getting out and supporting Epic Pale Ale by making a purchase.
Next week there will be a handful of in-store tasting of Epic Pale Ale in Auckland, in the Ponsonby area. (we have been doing tastings over the last three weeks, but I have been a bit slack in getting the word out). More details on outlets, days and times of tastings before the end of the week.
Under producing... the best kind of bad news.
Good stuff guys. You hop 'em and we'll drink 'em.
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