Friday, August 25, 2006

Where to stumble to...

I've updated so that it looks a bit nicer and differentiates between different types of venues. There have been a lot of changes to the underlying map service, and all the coordinates have had to be converted. I'd really appreciate any feedback, corrections, or additions.

There are some cool features planned, but I'd like to get the locations as accurate and as complete as possible before unleashing the next version.

Edit: Blogger just ate my comments, so thanks to Ian for the catch, and to James in Wellington for reminding me about Bodega, Bar Edward, and the Malthouse, as well as Rumbles. Keep 'em coming.


Blogger Greig McGill said...

Nice catch, thanks Ian. There might be a few of these, as I ran all my old coordinate data through a program I wrote to convert - and programs I write should have pest control called in on them - buggy! :)


Also, glass tip to James in Wellington for reminding me to update the Wellington section to include Bodega, The Malthouse, and Bar Edward, as well as Rumbles Wines.

8:42 am, August 29, 2006  
Blogger Greig McGill said...

Oh, I can't win. Now the comment is back. I must be having a bad tech day - like a bad hair day, only zappier. I need a beer.

10:03 am, August 29, 2006  

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